Youth reform needed, says MP


WAU-WARIA MP Marsh Narewec is calling for a reform of the National Youth Development Authority (NYDA) Act 2014 and related laws pertaining to youth’s in Papua New Guinea.
The call comes after Prime Minister James Marape’s statement on Jan 18 on the urgency of rallying all youths around the country for productive engagement in reaction to civil riots on Jan 10 known as “Black Wednesday”. The call was youths, between 15 and 30 years of age, to be mobilised and the responsibility will be passed back to all provinces and districts through the existing Services Improvement Programme funding from the Government.
Narewec said as it currently stands, the NYDA structure, which is responsible for the organising of all youths in the country, seems to have a disconnect with the provincial assemblies, district development authorities and local level governments.
He said this could potentially limit the effectiveness of youth representation in decision-making processes, particularly where Sip funding is concerned.
Narewec called on the Government to consider the following potential steps for reform:

  • PASS laws that provide a legislative basis for youth representatives from the Youth Council structure to participate in decision-making at all levels of government;
  • CONSIDER restructuring NYDA to integrate it more closely with Provincial Assemblies, District Development Authorities (DDAs) and local level governments (LLGs).
    This could involve creating formal links or pathways between these entities and the Youth Councils.
  • PUSH for seats to be reserved for youth representatives in the Provincial Assemblies, DDAs and LLGs; and,
  •  IMPLEMENT regular consultation processes with youth and youth organisations when making decisions that directly affect young people.