Wetter than normal: NWS

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Traffic during the rain along Waigani Drive. – Nationalpics by PETER ESILA

PAPUA New Guinea can expect a wetter-than-normal weather in the first three months of the year, according to the National Weather Service (NWS).
“The rainfall forecast for January to March shows slightly above-normal rainfall for the greater parts of the country, implying a wetter early year,” NWS assistant director Kasis Inape said.
He, however, warned that El Niño was still in effect with gradual changes expected from early February.
Inape said its effect would be similar to 2015 or 2016, based on early assessment.
“The memory of these La Niña events or the pre-existing La Niña conditions are responsible for the wet weather we are experiencing across the country, unlike an El Niño year,” he said.
“The international climate models are indicating that warming of the equatorial Pacific has likely peaked, although the sea surface temperatures are expected to remain within the El Niño threshold.”
The NWS December update indicated that a small area of drought was emerging at the southern end of Western.
It also showed that drought conditions would continue in Hela in the next three months. El Niño in the Pacific is related to the east-west movement of warm water in the tropics.
Meanwhile, the New Guinea Islands, including Bougainville, received “very good rain” over the past three months.
But parts of Western, Milne Bay, Madang and Hela started to show drought-like signs. Parts of West Sepik, Western and Milne Bay are also showing drought-like signs.