Waiwai elected

PNG Olympic Committee gets first female president
Newly elected president for PNG Olympic Committee Emma Waiwai with outgoing president Sir John Dawanincura during the annual general meeting on Saturday. – PNGOCpic

VETERAN sports administrator Emma Waiwai was elected the first female president of the Papua New Guinea Olympic Committee on Saturday for a four-year term (2024-2028).
Waiwai, who is the president of the Basketball Federation of PNG, takes over from Sir John Dawanincura who served in the role for the last 12 years since his election in 2012.
Waiwai has held positions outside of sport including previously with the Central provincial government and with the Civil Aviation Authority and is a communication engineer by profession.
Waiwai, who was nominated by the PNG Boxing Union, was among three candidates for the president’s role nominated and elected by the PNGOC’s members, who are the national federations, at the annual general meeting at Gateway Hotel, Seven-Mile over the weekend.
The other two nominees were Richard Kassman and John Cholai, who themselves have long associations with sport in PNG, and hold senior positions on corporate boards.
Athletics PNG nominated Kassman and the PNG Golf Federation nominated Cholai.
The electors comprised the NFs, who were 25 in number, and former PNGOC secretary-general Auvita Rapilla, who has a vote because she is a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Of the NFs, 19 that are Olympic sports get two votes each while the other six non-Olympic sports get a single vote each.
The total number of votes possible for the election was 45.
In the first round of voting Kassman received 20 votes, Waiwai 19 and Cholai six and because the PNGOC rules state that the winning nomination must garner at least 50 per cent of the total votes the process went to a second vote following Cholai’s elimination.
In the second round of voting, Waiwai picked up 26 votes – the six that initially voted for Cholai and one who voted for Kassman – to win the election.
In recognition for Sir John’s service to sport in the country and the PNGOC, he was made a life member at the meeting. The role is an honourary one.
In addition to his 12 years as president (2012-2024), Sir John, 79, served a total of 38 years with the PNG Olympic Committee, 26 years as secretary-general (1984-2010).
Waiwai, who has been an active member of the PNGOC for several years, brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to the role. Her election is a testament to her dedication and the confidence that the members have in her ability to lead the organisation into a new era of growth and success.
“I am deeply honoured to be elected as president of the PNGOC. I look forward to working with all stakeholders to further the development of sports in Papua New Guinea and to ensure that our athletes have the support they need to excel on the international stage,” she said.
PNGBU president Dr Gideon Kendino said his federation had nominated Waiwai for the role because of her experience as a sports administrator.
“When the vacancy for PNGOC president came up, we looked around for possible nominees and Waiwai’s credentials stood out and so the PNG Boxing Union Inc executive decided to nominate her,” Kendino told The National yesterday.
“Simply because of her proven record in both active sports participation in her younger days as well as her later administrative roles leading up to the elections this weekend.
“Our only plea to Waiwai is for her to assist national federations be more professionally run by harnessing government budgetary support through the PNG Sports Foundation by implementing the 2020 Sports Policy framework using NFs annual work plans that should be captured by PNGSF through annual grants, either through the budget process and or National Gaming Control Board grants to fixed activities.”
Apart from Waiwai’s election, members of PNGOC also elected candidates for three other roles: legal adviser, treasurer and fundraising chairman.
Gomara Gorua, a lawyer with over 20 years’ experience, takes over the role of legal adviser from Faye-Zina Lalo whose term ended this year.
Elaine Iorive was elected as treasurer, replacing outgoing Peter Davani. Olympian Ryan Pini was also elected as the fundraising chairman of the committee taking over from Michael Henao.

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