VC: You are just as good

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University of Papua New Guinea vice-chancellor Professor Frank Griffin says graduating students can use their degrees in Papua New Guinea as well as internationally.
Griffin made this statement yesterday during the university’s 68th graduation ceremony at Sir John Guise Stadium Indoor Complex.
“Your degrees are comparable to any in the world,” he said.
“Regardless of the different programmes of your studies, the text book from which the information taken by your lecturers to put on the screen, is from the same text book that lecturers in Australia, England, the United Kingdom, Japan and China use to teach their students.
“You are as good as them, do not underestimate it but rather use the degree to progress internationally.”
Griffin said employers, families, communities and the rest of the country would now be depending on the graduates to bring about positive changes the country so desperately needed.
Griffin called on the graduates to use what they had learnt and show the world they were the graduates of the university.
“Be that agent of change and go into the world, represent our university,” he urged the graduates.
“Show them that our national university can produce world class quality graduates who can deliver equally as other graduates from all around the world.”
Griffin said the qualifications the graduates received were not to be confined to subject areas or the study that they had of their expertise.
He said they had been trained with a greater skill and that was to be a life-long learner.
“You have been trained to think critically and to collaborate,” he said.