Unemployment not to be ignored

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THE country’s high unemployment rate is a factor that encourages criminal activities such as looting, says Lae Commerce and Industry Chamber President John Byrne.
Referring to the Jan 10 civil unrest in Port Moresby which spilled over to other parts of the country, Byrne said the unemployment figures should not be ignored.
“We have to focus on getting people engaged in activities and empowering our population to get into macro-small-medium enterprises, small-medium businesses and growing into employers and investors,” he said.
“We should also encourage our local investors to invest more and therefore move goods around the country at better rates.”
He said this was where government strategies such as the recent Manufacturing Policy 2023, Special Economic Zone and others be directed at making real inroads into the country’s prosperity and security.
Byrne said unemployment, urban drift and growing squatter settlements resulted in disenfranchised people and communities.
He suggests that the Government must focus on the real cause of the Jan 10 event.
“What escalated in Port Moresby (then) was one of the worst we’ve ever seen in the country,” he said.
“I believe that only 5 percent in every community globally, takes opportunity to loot, while 95 percent lock themselves at home, or go about their day and duties as honest citizens.
“But the question is, how do we sort that five percent out and limit these needless and wanton activities? Looting, ransacking and burning are wrong.”
He added that Port Moresby would have to rebuild itself, to get back on its feet.
“Now up to 5,000 people are unemployed which affect an average of 20,000-plus family members,” he said.
He said although Lae was not hit as hard by the spillover effect, all businesses were under pressure on Thursday Jan 11 with trouble-makers, looters and opportunists moving in large numbers across the city.
He thanked members of the disciplined forces and private security firms for their swift response to the possible threat.

One thought on “Unemployment not to be ignored

  • Pass and enforce the Vagrancy Act, Have clear plans that hopefully do not get changed by new governments, have few government institution instead of too many Institutions trying to do the same thing of promoting SME and job creation so that those needing assistance can easily access them. Shield Institution from politics, We need more external auditors to audit all our development indications. We are; a danger to ourselves, We probably need to consider guided democracy like our neighbour Indonesia

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