Undialu urging Hela people to get vaccine

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HELA Governor Philip Undialu received the first jab of the Covid-19 vaccine yesterday and urged the people of the province to get vaccinated too.
“Covid-19 is real and is here to stay. We just need to learn to live with it. Disinformation about Covid-19 and vaccines remains a big challenge,” Undialu said.
Undialu said he had discussed with his wife Charie which vaccine to take. They agreed on the Sinopharm vaccine recently donated by China.
He urged the people of Hela to ignore misinformation and negative views on the Covid-19 vaccines, and go to Tari Hospital to get vaccinated.
“Covid-19 is real and you will regret it if you get it,” he said.
“Just like babies getting vaccinated as a defence against malaria or polio, Covid-19 vaccines will provide a defence in your body.
“Currently, we do not have any defence in our system (against the Covid-19). Get vaccinated and protect yourself, your family and everyone in the community.”
Aitape Lumi MP Patrick Pruaitch also got his first jab of the vaccine with his family, plus electoral and support staff yesterday.

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