Trio held over fake documents

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A 25-YEAR-OLD woman and two men were arrested by police in Port Moresby on Wednesday, April 5, for producing fake documents while going through the police recruitment process.
Assistance commissioner of police, human resources, Samson Siguyaru, who is the complainant in the matter, alleged that the suspects were among other candidates who were shortlisted for screening at Rita Flynn Sports Complex.
The screening was for candidates from the National Capital District, Central and Gulf.
The shortlisted candidates were required to produce original documents during the screening process.
The suspects were called in and were asked to present their documents to officers from the measurement services division of the Education Department.
They were then asked to produce original documents, including Grades 10 and 12 certificates.
It was confirmed that four of them presented copies of original certificates and were therefore seen as fake.
The team at the screening venue called the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) officers who took them to Boroko for questioning.
Another four were also arrested and taken to the police station for suspected false documentation but one escaped.
Four were eventually cleared at the station while the woman and the two men were formally arrested and charged.
According to CID officers, the three were arrested and charged with one count each for forgery under Section 462 and uttering under Section 463 of the Criminal Code Act and were detained at the Boroko police station cell.
The three suspects (named) are from Chimbu’s Gomia, Enga’s Komba and Southern Highlands’ Yame, and have been given police bail.