Tribes sign peace deal, promise to end fighting

Leaders from the two warring tribes in the Kagua-Erave district embracing while facing the crowd during the peace ceremony last Satruday. – Nationapics by PETER WARI

TWO warring tribes in Kagua-Erave, Southern Highlands have signed a a peace agreement on Saturday to end violence in their communities.
During the peace ceremony, tribal leaders apologised and pledged not to fight again.
The peace ceremony between the Anagerepa and Bela-Yamola tribes and their allies was witnessed by hundreds of people at Sumi village in the Aiya local level government.
The tribal fight started over allegations of sorcery and claimed 11 lives leaving hundreds of people homeless.
Fighting started at Yalea and Imuya villages last April 8, after the Anagerepa tribesmen accused the Bela-Yamolas of sorcery after the death of their tribesman.
The Anagerepas captured, tortured and killed a sorcery suspect which started the fight.
Leaders from both tribes expressed regret over the incident which led to deaths, destruction of properties and displaced people from both sides.
Southern Highlands peace and good order committee chairman Yangtine Koromba said tribal fights brought no benefits or development to the district and communities but only hurt the people.
He said the peace ceremony was an indication that the people wanted lasting peace and would unite and work for development.
Koromba said tribal fighting had impacted Kagua-Erave and the reconciliation process was an example for other tribes in the district and province to follow.
“People are tired of being refugees and watching their loved ones die in battle and this is the way forward to let our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters settle down and our children go back to school,” Koromba said.


  • Peace Ceremonies in the highlands are like a full blown balloon….”one prick and its gone”

  • Believe in what do and not showing off your bilas. Don’t waste your time and your money, Human life is a gift from GOD and must be protected at all times. I hope and pray that this peace ceremony will eventually last in a life time. ” Change your attitudes to save our innocent mothers and sisters and children. PLEASE OL MAN SAY NO TO VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS AND CHILDREN.

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