Trade system approved


THE National Executive Council has approved an electronic single window (ESW) system to be implemented to facilitate trade and investment, says International Trade and Investment Minister Richard Maru.
Maru said the system would promoting greater integration and cooperation among national agencies as well as countries, fostering a more conducive environment for sustainable trade and development.
“This moment marks a significant milestone not just for our nation, but for global trade and economic cooperation as a whole,” Maru said .
“The system blueprint symbolises our shared commitment to embracing innovation and harnessing the power of technology to drive efficiency and inclusivity in international trade.
“It embodies our shared vision of a more interconnected world where trade serves as a catalyst for progress and prosperity for all,” he said.
Maru said the government aimed to boost international trade and promote economic growth by implementing the digitally automated national single window.
“Papua New Guinea’s ratification of the World Trade Organisation’s Trade Facilitation Agreement in February 2017 demonstrates the need to implement an ESW system,” he said.
“PNG is required to attempt to establish the ESW by 2030 to streamline trade clearance processes and reduce trade costs.
“The aim is to enable electronic exchange of trade-related information and documents between government agencies, reducing the time and costs associated with trade to enable a paperless, electronic, online facility that will facilitate trade by reducing cost, time, and effort of fulfilling import and export regulatory requirements.”
Maru said the development of the system would cover the commodity sectors of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and mining and petroleum.
“Under this project, what I would like to see is one single point of payment for whatever fees that are charged, and one point of submission of the export documents, as well as streamlining trade processes for our economy,” he said.

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