Tomuriesa queries PNGDF callout

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OPPOSITION Leader Douglas Tomuriesa has questioned the deployment of PNG Defence Force (PNGDF) members in Port Moresby in expectation of the moving of a motion of no confidence in Parliament, calling it intimidating.
“The approval to deploy the PNGDF and our special forces the Long Range Reconnaissance Unit (LRRU) is a misuse of State resources, and further intimidates the general public, members of Parliament and international population,” he said.
Tomuriesa said the callout for the LRRU was unnecessary.
“It intimidates a democratically-prescribed process that needs to be respected by members of the security forces,” he said.
He said while the issue in Parliament would raise tension and provoke political disputes, experiences in 2019, 2020 and last week proved that police could provide security themselves.
“There have been no major security issues relating to the Government and the Opposition, and I believe all parties involved in the current political impasse have been very calm and sensible in their activities,” he added.
Tomuriesa questioned if the support from the LRRU had been sanctioned by Cabinet, and if so, what criteria had warranted such a callout.
“We cannot simply assume that the (motion) will cause a large uprising like we saw on Jan 10 which was a major breakdown of our police apparatus due to internal inefficiencies,” he said.
He added that in this case, the police were visibly present and in control of the city’s law and order situation.
“I simply disagree that one of our top military units is being used for simple patrols when they have much better operations they can be worrying about,” Tomuriesa said.
Tomuriesa also recommended that the acting Chief of PNGDF immediately suspend the deployment of soldiers until and when necessary.
“We cannot be misusing our soldiers for simple parliamentary processes. There is adequate police presence maintaining peace and good order in the city,” he said.