Thank you for the support


I WOULD like to sincerely thank and acknowledge the great efforts by the Chinese and governments who assisted in the return of 68 PNG students to their Chinese universities on Aug 24.
Most of the cost was met by the Chinese Government with the charter of B767 Air Niugini aircraft to fly the students across to Shenzhen.
Another seven days’ accommodation and food costs in a hotel in Shenzhen during their quarantine were also paid for by the Chinese government.
Thank you so much, Government of China.
This is greatly appreciated, especially when these students have missed two years of their university education when Chinese borders were closed to international students during the Coronavirus (Covid-19).
The PNG Government on the other hand, through Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) also assisted by paying for two of three PCR tests each student had to take before departure and it also assisted all students by paying their airfares from Shenzhen to their respective universities within China and further assisted by remitting K500 each to each of the PNG students accounts to assist with any further medical/quarantine checks they may have to go through on arrival at their respective universities on Sept 4.
Thank you to Papua New Guinea Government for assisting as these university students are great assets to PNG and they will compete with brilliant brains around the world in prestigious universities in China representing this country.
They will then return to PNG and do great things for this country, hence this is the right thing to do.
Thank you Honourable PMJM and your Government.
Finally, a special thank you to these two key staff within the Chinese Embassy in Port Moresby and DHERST who worked tirelessly day and night to inform and guide students on the day’s activities and what is to be done on short notice so they can make it on that charter flight.

Port Moresby