Teaching resumes today

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TEACHERS have been urged to go back to the classroom as with classes for the third term resuming today, says Teaching Service Commission (TSC) chairman Samson Wangihomie.
“The Census ends on June 30 and teachers are to go back and teach,” he said.
Wangihomie said if the TSC released the teachers according to Teaching Service Act for national duties and if the National Statistics Office (NSO) needed them to stay back then those teachers needed to inform TSC advisers and their respect provincial education divisions.
“But they must prepare work for their classes so that teachers who are in the school can oversee or caretake and give them work so that teaching is still going on,” he said.
Wangihomie called on communities to report teachers who did not prepare any lessons for students while being part of the Census exercise, to their provincial education division or TSC.
Wangihomie added that there would not be any further changes to the education calendar, and it was important for teachers to be back in class as this was the second half of the school year and students would need to be prepared for their end-of-year exams.
Meanwhile, Wangihomie called on people in communities where schools were located to respect teachers and school property.
He said it was disappointing to have cases where teachers in communities were subject to abuse, threats and violence.
Wangihomie reminded everyone that teachers were an asset to their communities, because of the role they played in teaching and nurturing the next generation of workers and leaders.

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