Taxis worry governor

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Taxis were unheard of in ‘kol ples’ Goroka once but today they are a nuisance.
So much so that Eastern Highlands Governor Simon Sia says something has to be done about the issue to contain traffic congestions.
“Taxi operators are taking advantage of a non-existence of Eastern Highlands Lands Transport Board to avoid paying licence fees and taxes to the provincial government and put unregulated vehicles on the roads, causing traffic infringements in Goroka,” he said.
Sia said he is in the process of re-establishing the provincial lands transport board that will regulate the existence of not only taxis but also Public Motor Vehicle services.
He told provincial health Authority members about his plan for on the provincial transport board after an issue on liquor popped up at a meeting on Thursday.
Sia said his provincial executive council wanted to clean the province sector by sector, and has passed regulations on the sale and consumption of liquor in Eastern Highlands.
“I want to clean sector by sector and I start with liquor licensing,” he said.
“A new Act will come into effect on Nov 16 (next Thursday).
“Many will not be happy, while others will be happy.
“As responsible companies and citizens, we have to take ownership of liquor issues in the province,” Sia added.
He said he has received a summons, but would not elaborate further on it.
It is understood a liquor company may have summoned him.
The provincial executive council imposed a month-long liquor ban in September for a peaceful Goroka Show and 48th Independence celebrations.
The ban is understood to have served its purpose when people enjoyed liquor-free celebrations.