Students return from agriculture training

James Donald

THREE students from Western’s North Fly, were among six from Papua New Guineans to complete a 11-month agriculture training in Israel.
North Fly MP James Donald thanked them for their achievement after being sponsored by the cistrict development authority.
“To see them not only complete their training but also their commitment and dedication demonstrated throughout their studies is a testament to their determination for success in agriculture,” Donald said.
He said officials from North Fly attended their graduation last week in Israel.
The three will be integrated into the North Fly agriculture division to apply knowledge and skills, and drive improvements in the district’s farming practices.
The district will send the next batch of students to Israel for similar training before the end of this year.
“This will enable the district to embark on large-scale commercial farming to supply a variety of fresh produce such as fruits and vegetables for markets in North Fly, Western and neighbouring provinces.
“We won’t rest until we identify the right people, right technology and right expertise for agriculture,” Donald said.
The district had an agreement with Israel through the Innovative Agro Industries in Port Moresby and paid K1 million as part of the partnership arrangement last year.
“The training will be an ongoing programme as part of our commitment to make agriculture the beacon of prosperity for North Fly and Western after Ok Tedi mine’s closure.
“We need highly trained individuals to take the agriculture industry forward.
“Training in Israel is in line with a district development plan, and agriculture is among the main pillars of development in the district and province,” Donald said.

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