Stop the outrage, it won’t fix anything


THE outrage that is coming from the various unions associated with PNG Power Ltd regarding the resignation of the former chief executive officer (CEO) highlights the problem that any new head of this organisation as if they are trying to fix it.
PNG Power is broken. PNG Power is failing to deliver on the very reason it exists.
These unions are screaming when new CEOs come into the organisation and demand they be removed.
But on this occasion, they’re screaming about why this CEO has resigned.
Why? Because it is in their interests and they want control over the organisation.
There have been many experienced and capable CEOs appointed to PNG Power.
But they all moved on because of the meddling from the various people in government who think they are experts and because the unions don’t want change or improvement.
When the cries to sack and all of the threats begin, these CEOs leave or the Government gets weak and sacks them.
So you have to ask, why do they suddenly want this CEO to stay? Any power-paying citizen can see that this CEO was not delivering on his responsibility.
No self-respecting union, who previously demanded the sacking of highly competent CEOs in the past, could stand up and demand this underperforming CEOs reinstatement with a clear conscience.
There is no performance measure by which he has excelled.
There is no initiative, reform or activity that has made PNG Power better under his leadership.
So the only reason is self-interest.
The prime minister needs to shut these unions down, disband them even as they are only holding PNG Power back.
Without them causing trouble or their members underperforming, PNG Power might stand a chance.
Everyone can see through this union activity. It must stop for the good of our citizens.

Joe Tau