Stop sorcery accusation in societies


I REFER to article in The National of Nov 2, (page 5) which reported that two young sisters were horrifically tortured in Enga because they were thought to be sorcerers.
Thanks to the Catholic priests who had intervened, the poor sisters were saved.
The Government should realise that the sorcery accusation and violence is a result of poverty and social inequality, particularly poor medical services and training.
Witchcraft and sorcery accusations and torture causing permanent injury and burning people alive are real problems in the country today.
When a person suddenly becomes unconscious and collapses, it is thought to be caused by sorcery.
This is serious because it costs human life and brings division within families in the society.
The poor medical facilities and lack of equipment that could help examine and treat such sickness in timely manner gives rise to beliefs of sorcery and witchcraft.
Emergency departments in hospitals and health centres need well trained specialists with necessary medical equipment.
Witchcraft and sorcery accusations result from low levels of diagnosis in health facilities.
It is very important to shed light on the cause of illness or death by proper medical examinations.
It is very important to have well-trained and skilled specialists at health facilities.
The Government needs to upgrade health department to solve the problem of sorcery accusation in the country.
People think that medical system in Papua New Guinea is well-equipped with medical workers and necessary equipment.
They assume that medical workers know it all when they announce that they cannot treat an ailment, the relatives blame that on sorcery.
Christian faith has not fully penetrated the hearts of people.
This is because traditional practices and beliefs are rooted in their way of life. Sorcery accusation is a traditional norm that has passed from ancestors in the Melanesian culture.
For example, where I come from, other people see my clan as a clan of sorcerers. But that is a thing of the past.
My clan used to practise some kind of satanic worship to play evil magic in the past.
This long-held belief has made our older women the subject of sorcery accusation even today.

Simon Youngopae