Small businesses seen as crucial


WHILE economic growth, as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) is essential for the overall development of a nation, such growth must be inclusive and reach the grassroots, says an official.
Micro, small-to-medium enterprise (MSME) Council Papua New Guinea founder James Gore said the majority of PNG’s population reside in rural and remote areas.
“Their economic engagement is crucial for sustainable development and peace in our country,” Gore said.
“I am deeply concerned about the prevailing internal security issues that continue to plague our nation.
“It is evident that these challenges are, in part, a consequence of the limits of broad-based economic growth, despite the positive indicators shown by GDP growth in recent years.
“It is my belief that by fostering economic opportunities and empowerment at the grassroots level, we can effectively address the root cause of our internal security problems.”
“When the majority of Papua New Guineans are economically engaged, they become stakeholders in the nation’s progress, leading to increased stability, social cohesion, and prosperity for all.
“The MSME Council is committed to working with government agencies, businesses, and civil society organisations to promote and support the growth of micro, small, and medium enterprises across PNG.
“By providing training, resources, and access to markets, we aim to empower local entrepreneurs and create a conducive environment for economic growth that benefits all segments of society.
“I call on all stakeholders, including policy makers (politicians and public service bureaucrats), business leaders, and community members, to join hands in fostering a more inclusive and sustainable economic growth agenda for PNG.
“Together, we can build a brighter future for our nation, where prosperity and security go hand in hand,” Gore said.

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