Sir Kostas’ input hailed

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THE late Sir Kostas Constantinou contributed significantly to the economic growth and development of Papua New Guinea and the welfare of his employees for more than five decades.
Former Bank of South Pacific Financial Group Ltd (BSP) chief executive officer Robin Fleming said Sir Kostas, who was former BSP chairman for 12 years, led the group through a period of profitability and expansion across the Pacific and South East Asia.
“And saw BSP as a flagship of PNG’s economic leadership in the region,” Fleming said.
Sir Kostas was the founder of The Constantinou Group of Companies, at the time of his passing, and this included Hebou Construction, Airways Hotel and Apartments, Lamana Hotel, Monier, Lamana Development, Rouna Quarries and joint ventures in PNG and the Pacific by way of Coastwatchers Apartments, Loloata Resort, Rangeview Estate and Rangeview Plaza, Gazelle International Hotel, Heritage Park Hotel in Honiara, Solomon Islands and Taumesina Resort in Apia, Samoa.
“In addition to managing and overseeing his own extensive group of companies, late Sir Kostas brought his business expertise and people-management skills to bear as a director of many public companies such as Oil Search Ltd (now Santos Ltd) and director of BSP for 12 years until he stepped down in February this year, and as chairman of the State-owned Air Niugini Ltd,” Fleming said.
Fleming said Sir Kostas also oversaw the BSP Group’s landmark listing on the Australian Stock Exchange.
“Sir Kostas was focused on female leadership at board level and by the time he retired as chairman, there were three female directors on the board of BSP,” Fleming said.
“He promoted a similar approach to female leadership at management level.”
Sir Kostas always had time for the people in his businesses and the companies of which he was a director.
“He would have mentorship sessions with the young leaders of BSP every year and he visited as many BSP branches as he could throughout the country,” Fleming said.
“It was one of his mantra’s that the directors needed to support and recognise all of its staff and customers and holding board meetings outside of Port Moresby was key to this approach.”