Security worry in Porgera

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ENGA Governor Sir Peter Ipatas has accused members of the security forces of failing to stop tribal fighting in the province as the reopening of the multi-billion Kina Porgera mine approaches.
“Why are the security personnel (police and soldiers) not doing their job? There seems to be no solution,” he said.
“Take responsibility and initiate more arrests. Enga seems to be a peaceful province because there are no arrests. I am appealing to police this is not only about Porgera but also about the rest of the province.”
Sir Peter sounded his concern during the Progera consultation meeting on Thursday in Wabag, attended by Prime Minister James Marape, Cabinet ministers and senior government officials.
“People think I have the power because I am the governor. But I do not have the power,” he said.
Sir Peter said people “see security personnel driving past with no (plans to) stopping and checking people carrying firearms or offensive weapons”.
“We spend money on police but they are not effective. Why are they not doing their jobs?”
Marape initiated the meeting to discuss benefits to landowners and stakeholders from the mine scheduled to be reopened on Sept 16.
Last night, provincial police commander Supt Ephenes Nili told The National that the police would always welcome the provincial government’s support on policing and logistics.
But he said that when it came to making arrests on those who instigated fights, especially tribal fights, police resources were stretched, especially when people were reluctant to report those responsible.
“In Enga you have hired hands who go into a tribal fight, kill people and run and hide. And the fight continues,” he said.
“Communities know who these people are (but) do not report them. They hide them and allow for more deaths to occur.
“When police respond, the people are too scared to report the matter. The fights are then moved into the jungles that surround the province where security personnel cannot go into.”
Meanwhile Marape said the mine reopening was “one of the best endeavours that the country has ever made because everyone stands to benefit”.
“The decision to close the Porgera mine after the special mining lease expired in April last year was based on our dream of PNG’s economic survival after the closure, or whenever the gold runs out,” he said.
He said the five key points were:

  • THE Government would have the majority shareholding than the operator Barrick Niugini Limited (BNL);
  • WE will not compromise the SML 11. We will operate the new Porgera at SML 11;
  • ANY outstanding liabilities or obligations of the SML 1, we will give indemnity or remove it;
  • ANY entitlement by law, we must still get. We will not compromise on taxes, compensation; and
  • THE new Porgera must be better than the old Porgera.
    Compared to the PNG LNG (22.5 per cent shareholding) and Papua LNG (30 per cent) projects, PNG has 51 per cent shareholding in the Porgera Gold Mine Joint Venture.


  • Sir Peter…don’t blame security forces. Blame your primitive stone age people. Tell them to stop fighting. They need to change their stoneage tribal mentality and attitude. Only theme will you have peace.

  • Wasting too much state money on this tribal fighting.Your people are still living in stone age and primitive ways.Blame yourself and your ill mental people. NOT police and defense.

  • Mr Ipatas.
    You are very cheap on addressing the security issues.
    You should change the thinking cap of your people by now before sifting the bug on security personal…
    The security operations are the well established plans that are in place then your people.
    Your people are the worst pestilence to your political career as well as to development in your province.

    Stop passing bugs and address your people in person…

  • No need to blame anyone but the people and their attitude… one must change. security personnel are also human beings who have families also….

  • I am commenting from Porgera and I am witnessing this issue first-hand and I see that the fault lies with the Police Station Commander here in Porgera.

    Heard countless times from the Police and DF personals they are willing to do the Job but the authority to sanction operation within the valley lies with the PSC. They cannot act on their own.

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