Schools to get duty forms, says official

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TEACHING Service Commission chairman Samson Wangihomie has advised schools yet to receive the resumption of duty forms that they will do this week.
Wangihomie said the delay was because of an issue with accounts which had been rectified.
He welcomed back teachers at the start of the new academic year.
“I’m very happy with teachers around the country who resumed duties yesterday (according to) reports from the provinces,” he said.
Wangihomie said they were still being locked out of their offices at FinCorp Haus but were trying their best to sort out problems faced by teachers in Port Moresby.
He said it was very difficult serving teachers properly but they had to help teachers where they could.
“While the education department staff are locked out, it doesn’t mean they are sitting around doing nothing.
“They are working and reporting back on what they have done,” he said.
He said all their files were locked up at FinCorp Haus but they were working on whatever files they had.
“We managed to bring the big computers out but communications would be difficult as we cannot send or even receive emails,” he said.
Education Minister Jimmy Uguro said they would move to Vulupindi House soon.