School not receiving TFF

Grade One students, of Bukivi primary school, attending classes in North Wosera, East Sepik. – Picture supplied

THE newly-established Bukivi Primary School in East Sepik’s Wosera-Gawi is yet to be included in the tuition fee free (TFF) policy, says head teacher Jacob Korumini.
Korumini said the school was established in 2021 and was registered last year with eight funded positions but most of the school’s needs could not be met as parents were not active in paying student component fees.
“Teachers don’t have teaching resource books and guides so we usually download materials online to teach.
“There are also no textbooks for students, most of the classrooms are constructed using bush-materials and students sit on the ground to learn.
“The grades one and two classes have more than 200 and due to the limited space in classrooms, two classes are housed in one classroom and are overcrowded,” he said.
Korumini said there were also no water tanks for students and teachers.
“We use water wells and during dry periods, students bring their own drinking water.
“Three teachers live outside of the school with relatives as there are not enough teachers’ houses.
“There are about 365 students from grades one to seven and with no septic toilets, it’s very hard to control small children on the use on pit toilets.
“I have submitted school data and enrolment statistics to the Education Department to include us on TFF, hopefully the school gets on next year so it will have enough funds to cater for the needs as the parents’ component is not enough,” he said.
Korumini pointed out that the school was located in the middle of a crime hotspot in South Wosera but most of the teachers were locals.
Teachers from outside serving in the North Wosera area were usually threatened and attacked when travelling to and from Maprik and Wewak.
“Killing and robbery are ongoing and most times disrupt classes.
“The school will take its first grade eights next year following increased enrolment.
“Since 2021, students are sent to Wambisa and other neighbouring schools to continue with grade eight,” he said.

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