School fee assistance increased

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PRIME Minister James Marape says the Government has allocated K856.68 for school fee assistance in 2024 – an increase of K88.84 million from the 2023 figure.
“The Government is making a substantial annual contribution for school fee assistance, encompassing various fees,” he said.
“We expect school administrations nationwide to uphold transparency and responsibility in using these funds dedicated to the education of the children of our country.”
He revealed this yesterday after a meeting with Education Secretary Dr. Uke Kombra on the outcomes of the department in 2023 and priorities for 2024.
The first quarter allocation of K214 million is expected to be disbursed this month, before the start of classes on Jan 29.
Marape emphasised the need for accountability in the use of the funds, reminding school administrations to responsibly manage the school fees and project fees.
Marape, who served as the Minister of Education from 2008 to 2011, stressed the importance of ensuring that every child received an education.
“No child should be left behind,” he said.
“All the interventions we are making are geared towards empowering the next generation to contribute to a better Papua New Guinea.”
Marape called for collaboration between the government, parents and citizens.
“This year, in addition to the K856 million for school fee assistance, we are also supporting programmes such as the Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP), Higher Education Contribution Assistance Scheme (HECAS), and Tertiary Education Study Assistance Scheme (TESAS),” he added.
He encouraged parents to support schools by contributing resources, working for the school, ensuring security, and engaging in activities that benefit the institutions.