Respect our parents


OUR parents will not be always around.
A lot of young people today never respect their parents.
Believe me, especially a mother’s love cannot be compared.
If you still have mum or dad around, treasure them. Some children have lost one or both parents.
It is a blessing to have parents who treasure us the children.
I feel sorry for parents who try to discipline their children, yet children don’t listen.
If you are a child who disobeys your parents, think twice.
God’s word says that children we must obey our parents for that is the right thing to do. Not only will we be prosperous if we do that. But we will live longer on this planet.
However, more than that, our parents deserve our respect. If we don’t respect our parent and God calls them home, believe me, you will regret it. Life comes once.
If you have the chance to talk to your parents, do so. If you still have the chance to hear their voice, listen to them. If you have the chance to still obey them, do it. They will not be forever around.
If you have the chance to be honest with them, do it. If you still have the chance to apologize to them for hurting them, do it.
Believe me young people, once they are gone, there will be no one that can replace them. No one. So when you still have mum and dad around, treasure them.
If you are working in another province, at least have time to call and talk to them.
If you do that, when God calls mum and dad home, you will be satisfied that you played your part.
All in all, we children of today needs to respect our parents.
Let us honor them. If we have not been good children, it is not too late.
We can change and start respecting our parents now.

Glen Burua
Author / Speaker

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