Reminder issued on ethics

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TEACHERS must have a strong work ethic and culture to serve the country because they play an important role in the education of its youths, says Education Minister Jimmy Uguro.
“Don’t serve your country for the position, need for money or have favourites, you must work as you are called to serve,” he said.
“The future of this country depends on teachers, as teachers everywhere in the world build nations.”
Uguro made this remarks yesterday in Port Moresby during the opening of 2024 academic year for schools National Capital District.
He also encouraged teachers to incorporate technology into their work to maximise their teaching and to keep up to date with trends.
Uguro said teachers had the power to mold, influence and affect a student’s life and urged them to remember that because having law abiding, honest and resourceful citizens was beneficial for a society’s development.
“Change is in your hands, change is with the school, teachers, boards of management, us the education sector and office including the minister and everyone has to contribute for us to get to the next level, to be like Singapore and Japan,” he said.
“The country must change it will start with ourselves at home and at school with teachers,” he said.
He told the teachers that they were given children to shape; they were given empty vessels to fill not only with knowledge but with good values, morals and healthy attitudes.
He also called on parents to firstly take proper care of their children, to ensure they had a safe and healthy environment to live, to have adequate nourishment and access to learning and to most importantly, guide and direct them.
Uguro spoke about the PNG Education Transformation Vision (PNGETV) 2025-2075 stating that this vision was established to direct teachers in fulfilling the overall aims of the government.
“PNGETV should now produce a qualified and educated Papua New Guinean over the next 50 years that is why we are overhauling the system to find a balance and we will start with the early childhood programme,” he said.

One thought on “Reminder issued on ethics

  • Honorable Member for Usino Bundi, and 2nd term Minister for Education of PNG. I totally agree with his vision to produce quality graduands. To do that, the Secretary, Provincial Education Advisors, District Education Advisors, Principles/Head Masters, Subject Heads and even all teachers must beleive that we can shape lives by giving information to develop knowledge and skills and importantly change mindsets, values and instill behaviours that are good. Next, have programs that develop and reward good character. Identify champions as role model individuals, school to promote this culture so that when the honorable Minister leaves. These legacy can be carried on

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