Protect people’s rights


THERE are so many project areas in the country but a common observation is that many of those areas still lack infrastructure to show for those developments.
The Government has been and is continuing to push for overseas donor funds or private sector capital to develop many resource projects in the country.
In the name of development and promised benefits, many landowners have given up their customary land to the investors only to continue living in the past while significant economic benefits are gained by the investors and the Government that is supposed to protect its citizens.
The above situation is common right throughout the country with the exception of few project areas such as Lihir Island in New Ireland.
Many landowners have been taken for a ride on the promise of a bright future that is only a reality for the investors.
The Government has the duty to ensure project developers fulfil their community obligations through delivery of key infrastructure such as schools, water supply, modern housing, aid posts, etc.
A responsible government must uphold and protect the rights of its people for better benefits for the long-term prosperity of our nation.

Concerned citizen