Pride star back in UK


SEPIK Pride have confirmed the release of marquee player Watson Boas, who returned to the United Kingdom last week to complete his existing contract signed with English club Doncaster.
The EMK Construction-sponsored franchise released a statement confirming Boas’s departure, where he will unite with the League 1 side until the end of 2024.
“Watson Boas has been granted a release by club to join his former club Doncaster in England in good faith that he will finish his two-year contract and return home upon release,” the Pride said in a statement.
“It was the right thing to do for both parties and Sepik Pride Rugby League Club Inc is pleased to know that Doncaster RLC has agreed to bring Watson Boas back.
“With respect to both Doncaster RLC and PNG National Rugby League Competition, Sepik Pride Rugby League Club Inc didn’t want to bring the game’s reputation into jeopardy as Watson had an existing contract and that has to be completed.”
The 2017 Kumul halfback returned to PNG after the Rugby League World Cup last year to spend time with his family and there was uncertainty whether he would return to the UK to complete his Doncaster contract.
Due to family circumstances, the 28-year-old was given the opportunity to play for Pride with an additional K50,000 bonus added to his contract.
This controversial signing surrounding his move triggered Doncaster not to grant him a release as he had an active contract with the club for a two-year period, which would likely finish at end of next season.
According to the English club, there was an agreement reached between Sepik Pride and Dons chief executive Carl Hall, which permitted the former SP Hunter to end his playing career in the Digicel ExxonMobil Cup but the Sepik-based club did not fulfill their commitments to Boas and the agreement with the Dons.
This prompted Boas to head back to Doncaster and he was welcomed by the club in their bid to earn promotion in the Betfred Championship.
“Watson made his own decision to stay back because of his two sons but Doncaster couldn’t release him and will only release him upon some amount of fees paid to them,” the Pride said.
“It’s something beyond clubs control and we support Watson’s decision and wish him all the best as he continues his contract with Doncaster.”
Meanwhile, Pride have also clarified that Boas was only paid K20,000 from the initial K50,000 sign on bonus while the other half was expected to be paid at end of the season.
“Watson being paid a signing bonus was only K20, 000 (half to be paid end of the season) and that money came out from our naming rights sponsor EMK and not Sepik Pride RLC,” the club said.
“Sepik Pride has only concentrated on player wages, match payments and other cost but not signing bonuses for the elite players.
“Signing bonus was from naming rights sponsor EMK as a token to say thank you for the service that they will be giving to the club.”