Premier Soccer competition to start games next week


THE Premier Soccer League season is set for kick-off next week with eight teams to compete in the league format including latest inclusion Admiralty FC, returning to the national league with Bob Morris at the helm.
The schedule released by PNG Football Association will see a round one double header held in Lae next Saturday with Port Moresby’s fixtures set for Sunday, July 7.
Competition manager Paul Isorua said his department was ready to commence competition next weekend, anticipating a competitive season.
“The pre-season matches held in May set the momentum for teams to get in competition mode,” Isorua told The National yesterday.
“In June, all clubs have been involved in practice matches both in Lae and Port Moresby hence, the start of the competition should see competitive matches played.”
When asked of the affiliation fee payments for participating clubs, Isorua said all clubs have paid their fees in full except for two clubs whose sponsors have assured to complete the part-payment in due course.
The round one opener next Saturday will see and a heated home side affair with Lae City Dwellers taking on Lae City FC at the Sir Ignatius Kilage Stadium at noon.
Morobe Wawens will play host visitors Gulf Komara – who have boosted their squad with a few recruitments of Lae-based players.
Meanwhile in Port Moresby, home side Port Moresby Strikers will take on United Highlands FC who are now based in the nation’s capital following their competition debut centered in Lae.
The other double header fixture next Sunday will see Hekari United go up against Admiralty at the PNG Football Stadium.
For Admiralty, the Manus club last competed in the then National Soccer League in 2015 and they are returning to the new look competition with the backing of their governor Charlie Benjamin.
“It’s good for a team from the Islands region to participate in this year’s PSL competition and appreciation must go to their provincial administration for putting their support behind the team,” Isorua said.
“(Their) results from their few practice and friendly matches in Lae have been impressive so we are expecting the team made of local talented players from the island to improve and impress in their team performance as the competition progresses.” Meanwhile, the PSL season will run for 14 weeks of round games with the top four teams progressing to the semifinals. The final is scheduled for Oct 19.

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