PPL team to boost revenue generation


PNG Power’s (PPL) revenue protection project (RPP) team is hoping to generate more revenue for the company.
A statement said the revenue or recovery team had implemented a strategic concept that would see a crackdown on the illegal use of electricity in Port Moresby.
It said with additional manpower to an existing six-member team, more site visits and inspections would be done.
The team aims to identify around a thousand electricity users before the end of the year.
Thirty-six electrical linesmen underwent a three-day intensive training on professional conduct and meter reading.
General manager for retail, Kingston Albert, commended the team for its efforts to identify offenders.
“PNG Power has faith in you for your commitment and competency that is why the company has invested in its employees,” he said.
“The company has supported the retail unit with 10 new vehicles.
“Out of them, five were assigned to other groups in the same business unit.”
Acting chief executive officer Nehemiah Naris said the RPP received five vehicles to carry out its role.
Naris said RPP had limited manpower but this had been resolved and with the recent internal recruitment of new staff to the project.
“The team will be dedicated to four corners of the National Capital District under the new exercise called ‘meter boxing’.”
Naris said Port Moresby had the largest number of power users and the team would identify and generate income for the company.
“These are our existing customers who have already connected into our systems but we are not realising the full revenue potential from our customers that is why we will have to go back and check each one of our customers,” he said.
He challenged his staff to work effectively with the RPP team to ensure they achieved their targets.