Police warn vehicle owners

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THERE is an increase in vehicle theft and carjackings in the National Capital District (NCD), say police.
NCD Metropolitan Supt Silva Sika said more than three such cases are reported each week.
He said most of the cases reported to police had seen the vehicles recovered.
Sika said the vehicles were either stolen from the owner’s yards at night or owners robbed by armed men.
He said with good local knowledge from police officers, they locate vehicles within hours.
“I want to thank the police officers who had worked tirelessly in recovering the vehicles and returning them safely to the owners,” Sika said.
He also made mention of reservists who are involved in policing.
Sika said a vehicle was recovered at Siraka while another was recovered at Hanuabada.
He said other police units had also recovered two taxis in the city, plus other vehicles.
Sika said most of the cases of vehicle theft and carjackings reported to police involved taxis and sedans driven at night.
He urged the public travelling in vehicles and those witnessing such crimes to report quickly to the police with accurate information for immediate response.

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