Police contingent arrives in Madang to help curb fighting

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EIGHTEEN policemen from the Northern Mobile Group arrived in Madang last Thursday to deal with the escalating law and order issue in the province, according to Madang Governor Ramsey Pariwa.
“I had expected local police to take charge and control of the situation to maintain order, however that did not eventuate,” Pariwa said.
“The situation that ensued following the killing had opportunists allegedly from highlands settlements in Madang town gathered at Handy Mart junction and travelled up to Gonowa village where a number of houses were burnt to the ground.”
Pariwa made the statement following the killing of the late first constable Peter Tolpare in Madang.
He thanked Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Peter Guinness in charge of the Northern Command for responding swiftly to his request for assistance.
Pariwa and Usino-Bundi MP Jimmy Uguro condemned the killing of the police officer near Gogol bridge which sparked the violence.
Pariwa said the following morning there was a road block staged at Handy Mart where opportunists from the settlements around Madang attacked the Madang Provincial Government building, looted the Vango Supermarket at New Town Plaza and entered and damaged the residence of suspended Madang MP Bryan Kramer.
The 18 policemen are part of a 30-man contingent who will be in the province for an indefinite period to monitor the situation. The Madang government is also considering the eviction of squatters from the province.
“I will take necessary, appropriate and drastic steps to ensure such disrespect will never be repeated to the people of Madang in the future,” Pariwa said.
“To the vagrants and squatters, your actions so far have signed your eviction notice.”


  • Its about time our good Governor, time has now come for you to do eviction. Settlers need to move out of Madang. Too many rotten apples in the settlements.

  • Do a thorough screening or vetting process on the settlers before rolling out the eviction exercise. Many public servants live in the settlement. They will be unjustly stereotyped with vagrants, if the governor do a blanket eviction. These include, health workers, teachers, and provincial and district administration employees.

  • Do a thorough search on the settlers and evict those who are “Street roaming” to be sent back to their provinces.

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