PNG to reset for 50-over format after World Cup


PAPUA New Guinea Barramundis head coach Tatenda Taibu says the team will now turn their focus to preparing for the 50-over ICC Challenge League which is the first stage of the 50-over World Cup qualifiers after a short break.
Taibu said despite not reaching their goal of a World Cup win, the team would return home with many positive lessons from their second appearance at the big stage.
“The last game has been played and what’s next now is the guys get a bit of break and then after the break we start our preparations for the first stage of the 50-over World Cup qualifiers,” Taibu told The National yesterday.
“That’s (challenge league) happening in Kenya in September so before that we will go to Uganda for some warm up games before we go to Kenya.
“There is not much rest in between so everyone gets a bit of rest period to recover and recuperate before we start working hard again. That’s what we have in store and we haven’t looked beyond that,” said the coach.
The team is set to arrive in Port Moresby by the end of the week for a well-deserved break.

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