PM: It ends on June 2

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But Covid-19 protocols to be followed through

THE State of Emergency is expected to be lifted on June 2, although protocols set up to deal with the Covid-19 will stay, says Prime Minister James Marape.
Marape said the two-month extension up to that date was enough time to put in place the protocols to safeguard the country in terms of the economy and people’s health.
“In the two months up to the end of the state of emergency, we want our country under control, with measures in place on how to live with Covid-19 for the rest of the year,” he said.
“Covid-19 doesn’t move itself, people move it. So the whole idea (of the national emergency) is to stop unnecessary people movement.”
Marape said he had admitted at the outset that the country’s health system did not have the ability and capacity to contain the Covid-19, “which is caused by unrestricted people movements”.
“Our first and foremost intention is to ensure that we do not have people moving around unnecessarily, and a new normal will be coming out in the very not too distant future,” he said.
“In that new normal, businesses will flow, hopefully schools will start again, the greater function of the country will come back to life.”
He said the two-month extension should give the Controller (Police Commissioner David Manning) ample evidence that his orders were being followed by everyone around the country.
“I know some orders are causing inconvenience but please bear with us because it will take only one or two uncontrolled movements to cause the Covid-19 to propagate and grow in our country,” Marape said.
“This is the most responsible thing any Government would take.”
There is a plan for schools to start on April 27 but this may be reviewed again. Meanwhile, Marape has appointed a team to work out how the K250 milion allocated for the Covid-19 response would be expended.


  • The SoE should end once 30 days is reahed and there is no positive test on the Corona virus. Why extend until .June if there is no data to support it. The country need to return back to normal and businesses stary running.
    The only thing PNG needs to do us maintain ban on entry of foriegners until other countries open their borders and after they are quarantine for 14 days in PNG.

  • SoE should end 30 days if there is no positive Corona virus test. Why look the country down gor anoyher 30bdays. The country needs to get back to normal and people need to go back to work.
    Just maintain ban on entry of foreigners unyil the rest of the world open their borders.

  • Thanks for updates, Please operate as usual please control our internation boarders and its provinces.
    From Western Province.

  • Apartment from other departments, we are hoping that Education Department should be closely monitoring it’s employees especially their status in the classroom with more than 50-60 students.
    That means every staff and students should have safety masks and gloves and even a nursing officer accompanying each classrooms and lecturer rooms should be better than worse.

  • Thank you P.M. for the solid leadership and untiring job of ensuring the wellbeing of PNG.

    SIR is a good option but the minimum restrictions should continue unabated until the world status clears.

    We should continue to monitor and or close our National Borders and limit international flights and increase quarantine lockdown for international visitors.

    Also this is a good opportunity to address PNG’s dilapidated Health Infrastructure and take stock.

  • There is NO COMPROMISE on Safety and the livelihood of our families and our children. We should not take chances and assume Civid-19 is under control.. The most industrialized nations cannot control it and if that is the case than where does PNG stand. May God Bless PMJM with wisdom to make discerning Judgement for our country..

  • SoE must end. People are suffering. No positive case in PNG and why are we suffering people. The SoE strategy should be refined for strict control of our Country’s borders and inbound flights from overseas. We don’t have COVID-19 in PNG. It will only enter PNG through the borders and from entry of foreigners. This SoE is causing a lot of inconveniences and issues right across the country. Innocent people without Corona Virus are suffering. Policemen are taking advantage and terrorising citizens and demanding them of money and the list goes on. Why are we feeling the pain when we only have negative results of COVID-19. END THAT SoE!

  • SOE Commander and team should release first 30 days report to the Government to consider lifting the ban for after days. Provide the findings, issues and recommendations for the Government to act responsively.

  • Mr. Omaro,
    Very sensible comment. I think PM should also consider uplifting SOE based first 30 days reports from SOE team, comprising findings, issues and recommendations.

  • SOE as mentioned above is the only way forward to contain viral infection of COVID19 around the country. However, life’s are at stake given the lengthy periods lockdown. Almost 80 percent of the total population are from the informal sectors and the unemployed. How can people be able to cater for their daily needs in such time? Family ties had also been disrupted for longer than as usual due to the SOE and the protocols that are in place. For example, most mine workers are being in lockdown for almost 3 months now since SOE was introduced and thus had a precedent effect on a moderate family. We have to take these into consideration if SOE will be extended further. There are severe ripples of impacts introduced by this SOE. The main stream media should also interview and publish the negative effects of this SOE rather than the positive side of it..

  • Thank you Honorable Prime Minister
    God has given you the direction to safeguard your people. The earlier decision you made to declear SoE for this nation (PNG) has saved our nation from this pandemic coroner virus.
    Do not listen to people critisim on media to follow them. If corona virus spread in PNG, how will we control?
    Your decision will benefit the entire nation.
    Thanks for your firm decision.

  • For what has been said by the Prime Minister of our country in order to protect the welfare of every citizen, I for one agree with his decision. We cannot argue with what he says. There are few reasons to support my arguments. Firstly, the corona virus does not care your race, your background and what nationality you belong, it is a KILLER who will reign your life to death, therefore the Prime Minster’s decision to protect every individual during the time of this epidemic is to be followed strictly.
    Secondarily, we human being must understand that coronavirus is a KILLER and for a country like PNG, we do not have enough facilities to cater and protect people against coronavirus, therefore the PM’s deciosion to extend SOE is for the good and safty of the people of Papua New Guinea.

  • Corona virus does not care which race or nationality you belong too therefore every decision made by the PM is to be observed and followed. As long as we are alive, everything is therefore us. So let us all fight against this disease and safe guide our future generation.

  • SoE must end. PNG government to control our borders and international flights in and out of country. Png is one of the Christian country and apart from COVID – 19 thers more challenges to come in near future. Let us all give thanks our creator and savior for his wonderful blessing

  • Thank you PMJM and the Covid-19 Team for doing a great job so far in securing and protecting our country from Covid-19. I would suggest an ample budget from this K250 should be allocated for the Border security and improvement as our country lack enough man power facilities and equipments for such a time as this. This pandemic has clearly shown the the country’s weaknesses we need to make improvements on, thus we dare not let it pass without any actions.

  • Health protocols must be adhered to, discipline must be instill and patience must be maintain by every citizen so that we all will be safe from these pandemic calamity. Yes, SOE is a must and every citizen of this country must go through it, feel the hardships and know how to prepare themselves for the worse similar cases in the future.

  • I agree NN, put resources to tough border control and overseas flights, technology allows us to do business via techs so international business can still business in png but through email, phone, video call etc… get the economy to rolling and the local economy to continue as well.
    PNGeans this is our time to rise and shine to the whole world. First we don’t have C19, secondly we are healthy thanks to our life style and thirdly we have resources available to do business domestically and abroad.

  • First of let us thank God for His protection, care and love for PNG. I am optimistic that this pandemic will never come to PNG. If it should, then it should long time ago when the first patient was identified. Praise God that because of his grace this nation is spared and safe.

    The PM should control international borders and total shutdown on international flights strictly and lift SOE by the end of this month. I know he is aware of the implications on financial and social aspects of the countries overall economy.

  • Let’s put politics and critics aside and let’s unite and pray for our leaders and front liners in this fight against covid 19. Put aside talks of misuse of covid 19 funds and all these conspiracy theories about IMR testing capabilities and accept the fact that we are pngeans and we lack a lot of facilities and expertise with regards to health and the least we can do is adhere to instructions and support our leaders

  • Can the PM allocate part of the K250 million and fast track PCR testing kits and stock up for further testing purposes. There are 1000 plus manufactures and suppliers globally. Why is it taking longer periods to have the test kits brought into the country? With the total number of positive cases being locally grown or infected there is ample evidence that the number could be much more higher than expected.
    The only way forward to contain viral infection is to do random testing of POI through contact tracing.

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