Phase one of contractual agreement project ready

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A contractual agreement between PNG Power Ltd (PPL) and two Korean companies, Nuriflex and Fluent Grid, for an advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and smart metering project phase one is ready to be rolled out across the country.
This follows the presentation of a “performance security” by contractor Nuriflex to PPL’s acting chief executive officer Nehemaiah Naris, acting chief commercial officer Kingston Albert,and the project team at the PPL head office in Port Moresby on Monday.
This legal document guarantees that the contractor will fulfil its contractual obligations with PNG Power for the project’s duration.
According to PPL, the AMI and smart metering project phase one is funded by the Government through Kumul Consolidated Holdings under a K211 million grid stabilisation and rehabilitation programme. The total project cost is US$6 million (K21 million).
The project is supported by Prime Minister James Marape and State-Owned Enterprises Minister William Duma to ensure PNG Power assets and systems are given the much-needed upgrade and facelift.
PPL said the AMI smart metering project is a step towards addressing electricity theft and system losses for the company. It will improve the meter management system, revenue billing collections and energy loss monitoring and management.
This is expected to significantly enhance the affordability, accessibility, reliability and efficiency of electricity services throughout the country, directly benefiting our customers and the public.
In the first phase, the project will target around 10,000 industrial and commercial customers, who collectively contribute over 81 per cent of the current total energy consumption and sales.

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