Performance reports must be submitted


ANNUAL provincial performance reports are important for transparency and accountability in the country’s administrative structures, an official says.
Philip Leo, the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs secretary said according to Section 119 of the Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Governments (OLPLLG) 1995, “each provincial government shall, by June 30 of each year, furnish to the minister responsible for provincial government and local level government matters, a report for the year ending December 31 preceding on the affairs of the provincial government and the local level governments in the province”.
“Section 119 mandates all provincial governments, through their respective administrations, to furnish to the Government the annual provincial performance reports,” Leo said in a statement.
“It reflects our commitment to transparency, accountability, and improvement in service delivery to the people of Papua New Guinea.
“Adhering to this mandatory deadline ensures smooth coordination and effective assessment of provincial performance.”
He added that the reports were important to evaluate the performance and progress of provincial governments in their implementation of key government service delivery programmes at the sub-national levels.
Meanwhile, Leo said the provincial administrations of Hela and Western Highlands submitted their 2023 reports to the department in Port Moresby yesterday.
It followed instructions issued early this year calling on all provincial administrations to furnish their outstanding reports before the end of this month.
He said out of the 20 provinces subjected to the OLPLLG requirements, only four had submitted their 2023 report so far.

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