Parkop calls for end to violence against women, girls

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NATIONAL Capital District Governor Powes Parkop led a walk on Friday morning in Port Moresby calling for an end to violence against women and girls.
The Bel isi PNG Walk for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAW) began from the Konedobu Oval at dawn and ended at the Harbourside Precinct.
Parkop and Police Minister Bryan Kramer called on the people to ensure every single woman and girl lived a life free from violence.
Parkop said making NCD safe for women and girls was his aim and urged everyone to ensure it happened.
“I want to see our city safe for everyone,” he said. “Women and girls should be able to walk freely and live a life free from violence.”
Kramer told the people to think about the family home as a place of comfort rather than a crime scene. “In that crime scene, small kids grow up.
“They grow up witnessing a crime being committed and as Papua New Guineans we should reflect on this. There is a lot we can do. The opportunity lies with us,” Kramer said.
Former rugby league player Marcus Bai who also took part in the walk said it was never too late to say no to violence.
“I believe a family free from violence is the best outcome for men, women and children.
“I am here not because I’m a sportsman.
“I’m here because I am a husband, parent, brother, cousin and uncle.”
Oil Search Ltd managing director Peter Botten and employee Celestine Ove also addressed the people.
“I know the fear, loss of confidence and pain women and children experience,” Ove said.


  • The violence against women and children is a criminal offence. People think it is normal and will soon be fixed. But it distracts the brain permanently. When women or girls are being criticised, the emotionally have bad feelings and self-esteem. Such mentality leads to long term diseases in the psychology and there is no treatment to cure such problems. But only happiness, joy, love, comfort, peace and being together may heal the wound bit by bit. Let’s stop violence against women and children! Create a peaceful community and leave happily.

  • Most or all Violence against women and girls are caused by male flocks. Men MUST know that women are the backbone of men. Women are very special in certain areas that men can’t do and we as men will never experience that experience women get through. Respect the WOMEN.
    Men that have caused any form of violence to women MUST put themselves in the women’s shoe if they were born female and imagine how you would feel when men treat you as you do to women. Have EMPATHY.

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