Paita, four others ousted

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PRIME Minister James Marape has decommissioned five Cabinet ministers including his Finance Minister Rainbo Paita, the man who led a group of Government MPs to the Opposition camp last weekend.
The other four – Higher Education Minister Don Polye, Housing Minister Dr Kobby Bomareo, Energy Minister Robert Naguri, and Tourism Minister Isi Henry Leonard – had failed to attend a Cabinet meeting on Loloata Island where the Government side was camped.
Marape said: “I am sad to let the leaders go but they chose to abscond from their portfolio duties and engage in politics in the face of a vote of no confidence.
“We have enough talent in Parliament to draw on for new ministers and I look forward to put together a constructive Cabinet.”
A Gazette dated May 28 sighted by The National yesterday confirmed the dismissal of the ministers from office.
A source said Community Development Minister Jason Peter and Mining Minister Muguwa Dilu managed to return to Loloata for the Cabinet meeting on time and retained their seats.
Polye and Bomareo have returned to Loloata Island outside Port Moresby but Paita, Naguri and Leonard are remaining with the Opposition.
Marape said he allowed all ministers “full autonomy to work on their respective portfolios” but instead of working for the people, “they play politics”.
“Our country is not run by one person but by a body of Cabinet members comprising ministers, deputy prime minister and headed by the prime minister,” the Tari-Pori MP said.
Kandep MP Polye on Monday told reporters he was still with the Government and the Pangu Party although he admitted being at the hotel where the Opposition MPs were camping on Sunday to “offer advice”.
Polye said: “As a senior parliamentarian and leader who has been in Parliament for more than a decade, I cannot just sit down and allow things to happen without providing some guide or opinion based on experience to all leaders, especially in the two camps.”