Opposition disgraced by PM’s actions

National, Normal

The National, Tuesday June 24th, 2014

 THE Opposition has described actions taken by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill in the current political situation as disgraceful. 

“As Leader of the Opposition, I warned the people of this country and the Members of Parliament who Peter O’Neill and the kind of leadership he displays,” Belden Namah (pictured) said. 

“I have been disappointed in many occasions when the media did not report what I’ve been trying to educate the people of this country about.”

He claimed that citizens were fast losing their respect and “O’Neill’s actions were simply disgraceful and humiliating to the people of this nation”. 

“I call on all good citizens of this country and all the Members of Parliament to unite in the call for this one man to vacate the office of the people of this country.

“I call on the public service, the constitutional offices and the other arms and agencies of government to stop taking any further instructions or directives from O’Neill as he is no longer a fit and proper person to occupy the position of the Prime Minister of PNG.”

Namah told reporters there was no need to move for a vote of confidence against O’Neill as he was already putting a vote of no confidence against himself.