Official to sectors: Sharing ideas vital

ExxonMobil senior vice-president production Scott Sandlin (left) with Popondetta MP Richard Masere at the national content conference.

SHARED values strengthen, which build business and government partnerships should define the way the country can attract
development opportunities, according to the PNG Business Council.
Council president Nuni Kulu, during the national content conference in Port Moresby on Monday, that leaders from the private and public sectors must share ideas and create connections for nation building.

From left: Parliament clerk Kala Aufa, Small and Medium Enterprises Corporation chairman John Pora and East New Britain Governor Michael Marum having a chat at the national content conference in Port Moresby on Monday.

The conference was about the creation of a national content policy that focuses on the development of the country’s national expenditure, labour, goods and services markets and technology.
PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum senior vice-president Richard Kassman said it was expected to be achieved through fully using opportunities created from the resource sector in the country.

Telikom Limited’s Payere Pangheem (left) and engineer Gideon Suwi promoting Telikom products.

He said this included using resource developer mining interest funds to train people.
“Emphasis would be placed on youths which make up about 52 per cent of the population,” he said.
PNG Tribal Foundation operations director Ruth Kissam said: “Papua New Guineans have a history of shared value systems that can be seen through its trade culture in the past. This shared values are the foundations for pushing development.”

St John Ambulance customer relations officer Renzitha Soh Pande (left) sharing first aid information with Sandra Namani, of Adrian Valentine Associates, during the national content conference.

ExxonMobil PNG senior vice-president productions Scott Sandlin said: “One defining shared value Papua New Guineans share is resilience.
“And they are committed to achieving development.
“Exxon recognises that aspect of the government’s public-private partnership and wants to commit itself toward adding value to
PNG’s development and nation building.”
National content refers to identifying areas in a proposed project development that can add value to the country’s development.
It focuses on local content requirements, like developing local workforce and employment through joint ventures and partnerships.
It also focuses on business opportunities for the government and provinces, to encourage people on business opportunities, particularly in the agricultural and land sectors.

Small and Medium Enterprises Corporation chairman John Pora (left) with Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum senior vice-president Richard Kassman during the national content conference.
National Development Bank sales and marketing executives Veari Makara (left) and John Yalo setting up their information booth.
From left: Parliament catering director Noel Tokewa (left) with Nambawan Savings and Loan Society membership officers Jon-vianney Limi and Harlyn Narelle during the national content conference.