Observatory theft suspect held


EAST New Britain police have picked up a suspect who was allegedly involved in theft of vital equipment belonging to Rabaul Volcanological Observatory (RVO).
On the night of December 13, thugs entered the bunker at Matupit Island and removed a spectrometer, fibre optic cable, a computer and sensor.
RVO senior volcanologist Ima Itikarai condemned the burglary, saying it had severely handicapped the organisation.
The machines are used to detect sulphur-dioxide from Mt Tavurvur, a dormant volcano in Rabaul.
A global positioning system (GPS) receiver, worth K50,000 and also belonging to the RVO, was in February stolen at one of its bunkers at Roulavat.
Provincial police commander Joseph Tabali said a male suspect from Matupit was arrested in relation to the incident.
“We have not charged him yet as he has promised to assist us in the investigation,” he said.
“He promised to return a solar panel battery he had stolen from the station.”
Tabali said police were working around the clock to find other suspects involved in the theft.
Itikarai said the equipment stolen were donated to the RVO by international organisations.
He said they were important equipments that would have little or no use for whoever was keeping, them aside from scientists involved with RVO.