No proper planning in nation’s capital


THE National Capital District Commission (NCDC) does not have proper planning for some central locations in the city.
The city facilities and infrastructural developments like drainage, street lights, footpath and bridges, streets sealing, public toilets were on mash up conditions while there is no sign of taking initiative to improve them.
We all know that Port Moresby City is a world trade centre but our city is not yet improving.
It is in a bad condition.
NCDC and the Government have given unworkable assurances in forums but never been executed.
They give their mighty speeches but actually nothing has been done.
Our city is not being planned properly. It is unorganised and messed up.
This lacks leadership for city manager and the governor.
Our settlements are not improved because we have some incompetent people occupying the offices just sitting there to enjoy the pay packages and allowances.
However, we need some innovative educated elites to take up the public sector offices.
This is because, our Government is continuously making appointments to those old people.
This country needs some new brains take a lead and bring all the development aspects forward.
We have so many fresh university graduates with best ideas still looking for job opportunities.
Why not our Government give these people an opportunity to utilise their knowledge.
Therefore, NCD must be fully developed and then we can go into other centres.
This needs top down development strategies to improve those unimproved areas.

Karl Pyaro – Ulepex tange