No Covid-19 test needed before departing for PNG: Manning

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TRAVELLERS arriving from overseas countries are no longer required to have a Coronavirus (Covid-19) test before they depart their respective airports, says National Pandemic Response Controller David Manning.
But upon arrival at Jackson international airport, they will still be required to take a Covid-19 test before leaving the airport. “We have faced the worst pandemic, and while there remains an on-going risk to new variants that could emerge, we must move forward,” Manning said.
He said Prime Minister James Marape had made it clear that 2022 “is the year when we return to normalcy and emerge from this pandemic”. “This is important as the Covid-19 pandemic becomes increasingly manageable both in PNG and around the world,” he said.
“Removing the need for pre-flight Covid-19 testing will ensure greater flexibility for travel and this is important for business and the creation of new jobs.
“The Covid-19 has been a burden on our country in terms of reduced community and social interaction as well as the financial and economic costs.
“We want to see more people being able to travel to be with family and friends and for businesses to be more active in growing the economy. All passengers will still be required to have relevant documentation which for foreign citizens means evidence that they have been fully vaccinated.”
Manning thanked everyone who had contributed to the pandemic response in PNG. “We must continue to demonstrate our strength as a nation to be vigilant as the Covid-19 is still in the community.”