NHC processes followed: Minister

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THE National Housing Corporation (NHC) has processes to follow before evicting tenants, according Housing Minister Dr Kobby Bomareo.
He told Parliament that when tenants failed to comply with the NHC agreement, eviction would follow.
“We give notices to the family or tenant occupying the NHC property, and when they continue to ignore them, the NHC moves in to evict them,” Bomareo said.
“We do not go straight to carry out the eviction when there is an issue with the house or family occupying the property.”
Bomareo was responding to questions from Abau MP Sir Puka Temu on recent eviction exercises around the country, including a family living at Gerahu, Stage 3A in the National Capital District on Monday.
Bomareo admitted that there were a lot of issues at the NHC which needed to be addressed.
“I have asked the administration to bring all the reports on housing to identify the problems,” he said.
Bomareo said some tenants had been living on the properties for generations.
“It is the duty of this Government to provide decent and affordable homes to the people.”
Sir Puka urged Bomareo to review the eviction process on humanitarian grounds for those living in NHC properties for years.
Bomareo added that NHC would consider giving the properties back to people who already occupied them.
“The Government is focusing on how to support people from different levels, from cleaner to supervisor, store keepers and banks staff, on how best we can provide affordable and reasonable homes to them,” he said.