NCD and Central police report quiet celebrations

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POLICE operations during the Christmas and New Year period in the National Capital District and Central were carried out without incident and was relatively quiet compared to previous years, a senior officer says.
NCD and Central commander Anthony Wagambie Junior said the metropolitan superintendent Silva Sika and Central commander Laimo Asi oversaw all security operations.
“The police operations commenced on Christmas through to Jan 1,” he said.
“For NCD, before midnight, there were a lot of drunken disturbances and fights, mostly in the settlements, and police units were also stoned by the public when they attended (at a particular suburb).”
Wagambie said people needed to be more responsible and take ownership of their communities.
He said poor attitudes and a don’t-care approach by many in the community had fostered a society that did not have respect or consideration for the greater good.
“People must learn to respect each other which, in itself, is respecting the law,” he said.
Wagambie also said members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary needed refresher courses in customer service and basic human rights. He said this was something he hoped to provide for members this year.
“This year is aimed at changing the mindset of our communities and also the police force.
“Police must learn to serve diligently and lawfully and there are many areas in which we can improve our service delivery, but we cannot fully achieve this if we do not take care of our workforce first.
“This is an area we will embark on, with the assistance of the AFP (Australian Federal Police).”