National content not reflected in laws, says authority


THE issue of national content has not been properly addressed in the Mining Act nor the polices, according to the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA).
He said during the Papua New Guinea Resources Week at the University of PNG in Port
Moresby yesterday that “there is a policy called the National Content, but there is no real guideline when it comes to administering it”.
Garry, who gave an industry update, stated that by 2065 or so, based on current projections, PNG’s mineral sector “might not be able to enjoy the mines we have if we go on by today’s projection, but we have a lot to do”.
He said the sustainable economic sector was the way forward.
“We have been talking about the imbalance of the export ready from the extractive industry against the sustainable economic sector,” Garry said.
“The sustainable sector put together is well below K5 billion.
“The imbalance is huge and so it is time we invest in the sustainable sector.
“We should look at long-term sustainable economic projects like what some companies are doing now in supporting the growth of agriculture in cocoa projects, fresh produce and others.”

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