MP wants police to carry out investigation on incident

National, Normal

The National, Tuesday June 24th, 2014

 MORESBY South MP Justin Tkatchenko is leaving it to police to deal with the incident at Kirakira last Saturday in which a soldier was killed and his comrades later damaged properties.

Ten homes at Kirakira village were razed to the ground on Saturday after soldiers from Taurama Barracks took revenge for the death of the soldier.

“The issue is with the police and from their investigations action can be taken against the culprits,” he said.

“No one is entitled to murder another human being. 

“Culprits have to face the consequences of their actions.

“There is a lesson to be learnt on how to handle similar situations.There are alternatives to address issues.

“Killing will not solve issues. It will make them worse. It’s a tragic event that shouldn’t happen.”

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and NCD Governor Powes Parkop have condemned the soldiers’ action.

Tkatchenko appealed to the disputing parties to work with him in resolving the issue.

“We cannot allow this to happen again.