Mother Nature disapproved


IT was indeed telling at Prime Minister James Marape’s visit to Northern when mother nature showed its disapproval. The sun was up as early as 6am on Thursday. It was a clear blue sky as has been the previous days.
I may be a bit superstitious, but there was no wind and thick clouds – no sign of rain.
However, as soon as Marape and his delegation entered Popondetta town, wind started to blow.
The easterly wind started to get stronger and the blue sky over the town was covered with thick black clouds.
The weather acted as if under the orders of some command.
It did not start falling until member for Ijivitari Richard Masere stood up to make his speech.
Mother nature as if not in agreement with the motive of the whole programme released its fury.
The speech by Masere including his announcement to switch from the Ijivitari electorate to contest the new Popondetta Open electorate was all done under very heavy down pour.
Juffa’s political rhetoric including accusing member for Sohe Henry Amuli for refusing to accept a ministry which was offered by Marape to be in the cabinet was drowned under heavy downpour.
I was only thinking that Juffa’s inaction in addressing corruption and his lack of accountability of the K100 million he had received from 2012 to 2022 as provincial services improvement programme funds which had caused so much pain, suffering and deaths was the reason the PM’s visit was being disturbed by Mother Nature.
But, I realised that nature was saying that the whole visit had a very wrong motive when our prime minister, gave K5 million cheque each to our three MPs to implement projects only 21 days away from the general election.

Charles Jasari