Most people refusing vaccination

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A RECENT survey shows that around 62 per cent of the people of PNG do not think that they will catch the Covid-19, according to an official.
With the threat of the more “serious” Delta strain hitting the country, Deputy Controller of the National Pandemic Response Dr Daoni Esorom, has called on citizens to get vaccinated.
“I call on all Papua New Guineans not to be complacent,” he said.
“A recent survey found that 62 per cent of our people do not think they will catch the Covid-19, and that is why they have not come forward to be vaccinated.
“As we all watch the number of deaths continue to rise in Fiji, India and around the world, we should take this as a wakeup call for us all to vaccinate. The only way for our people to survive the Covid-19 is through vaccination.”
He stressed that the Delta variant was “extremely serious” as it is “many more times contagious than previous Covid-19 strains”.
It is responsible for thousands of deaths in India in the past few months and is now causing destruction and loss of life in Fiji, and this week placed Sydney in lockdown.
The National Control Centre has been tracking it.
“In response to the escalated risk, the Government has introduced stricter border control measures,” he said.
“There are people coming from overseas who have complained that we now have a 21-day quarantine period. We made the change so that we have a better chance of detecting any Covid-19 Delta mutation before (it) could spread into our community.”
He said while cargo ships were essential to the economy to bring goods for the people and businesses, “this must be properly balanced with public health and safety as the priority”.
“Keeping the Covid-19 Delta strain out of PNG is an almost impossible task,” Daoni said.
“But we will continue to do all we can to keep this dangerous strain out, and in a worst-case scenario, delay its entry and spread for as long as we can.”
He said more than 100 countries had lost the fight with the Delta strain spreading through their communities.
“This includes countries with very strict border controls such as Australia where a crisis is unfolding.”


  • If they don’t want to get vaccinated (THEN DON’T FORCE THEM). IT’S THEIR PROBLEM!!!!

    Another Excuse of Borrowing Money and Using Public Funds..

    Just Mekim Wok Stret…

  • There are so many information out in the social media today that warns against the possible danger of these covid 19 vaccines and since our people have access to social media today they are able to learn about the covid 19 vaccines. So I think it is the responsibility of medical professionals in PNG to explain in layman’s term what these covid vaccines are compared to the traditional vaccines like the flu vaccines etc. Why the US FDA only gave approval for its emergency use and not full approval for those used in the US. Explain those ones used in PNG. What are the immediate risks and the long term effects of taking this vaccine.

  • Talk about the real issues/disease killing the citizens everyday. Enough of worshiping COVID already.

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