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EMPLOYEES of two more government agencies have been locked out of their offices by the landlord because of a K7.6 million in rental arrears.
The building, called the Kumul Haus, houses the Department of Implementation and Rural Development (DIRD) and National Economic and Fiscal Commission (NEFC) in Waigani, Port Moresby.
The doors were locked at about 5pm yesterday.
The building is owned by Grand Columbia which has other properties around the capital city that are rented out to government agencies and departments.
Last month, Grand Columbia locked the National Statistical Office in Waigani also because of the non-payment of rentals.
Attempts yesterday to get a comment from Finance Secretary Dr Ken Ngangan were unsuccessful.
The DIRD looks after mostly rural area development and funding for the MPs in the 22 provinces.
Earlier this month, Petroleum and Energy Department secretary David Manau said they were locked out for owing Grand Columbia K7 million in rental for the past 15 months.
He said yesterday the department had been given temporary access to the building but could face similar problems.
The Government spends about K330 million on office rentals per annum.
Last month, Grand Columbia locked the National Statistical Office in Waigani also because of the non-payment of rentals.
Attempts yesterday to get a comment from Finance Secretary Dr Ken Ngangan were unsuccessful.
The DIRD looks after mostly rural area development and funding for the MPs in the 22 provinces.
Earlier this month, Petroleum and Energy Department secretary David Manau said they were locked out for owing Grand Columbia K7 million in rental for the past 15 months.
He said yesterday the department had been given temporary access to the building but could face similar problems.
The Government spends about K330 million on office rentals per annum.