Minister calls for cooperation

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DEFENCE Minister Dr Bill Joseph has called on political leaders from disaster-affected provinces to meet with him to address issues.
Joseph, who is now in Chimbu, said leaders must stop making political grandstanding speeches from the comfort of Port Moresby and go back to the provinces to work with him to address the issues caused by disasters.
“The Prime Minister, and the Government as critical stakeholders, are working very closely with all affected provincial governments, including East Sepik and Chimbu. “All defence engineering elements were the first on the ground in Chimbu moving more than 13 tonnes of disaster relief goods, including medical supplies, to affected areas.
“Our medical and other defence elements will continue to provide support to Chimbu, East Sepik and other disaster-affected provinces around the country.
“As the minister responsible for National Disaster Management, I call for all politicians from the affected areas to remove our political caps and allow humanity to take precedence for the sake of our people,”
Joseph said he has time for all leaders regardless of national political affiliation.
He also clarified that while the respective provincial government is tasked to be the lead agency in times of national disaster; the law is very clear that they do not operate independently.