Marape praises contributions of Santos Foundation


PRIME Minister James Marape has acknowledged the achievements, support and efforts of Santos Foundation in Papua New Guinea.
He made the remarks during the celebration of the foundation’s achievements in the country in Port Moresby.
“I acknowledge the high level management of Santos Ltd, chairman Keith Spence and managing director Kevin Gallagher, who have always been by our side in this journey of partnership and development of our country,” Marape said.
“I express my sincere gratitude to the Santos Foundation and development partners – Australian government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and United States AID programme – for their unwavering commitment and support in fostering socio-economic growth in PNG.”
Marape said his government would do its best to retain the confidence of Santos in the PNG business environment so the company and its foundation could continue operating in the country.
“In particular, l acknowledge the work that Santos Foundation is doing to empower our people and communities to become resilient in these economically trying times.
“My government’s desire is to see our resources developed meaningfully, giving back to communities by meeting the various domestic market obligations and related domestic policies.
“I also acknowledge your commitment to PNG through Oil Search Foundation and congratulate you on the launch of Santos Foundation, which is serving its purpose for the project affected communities.”
Marape highlighted some of the foundation’s contributions in employment creation for Papua New Guineans, healthcare, education and training, and social and family matters such as addressing sexual violence.
“These are significant achievements that cannot be ignored.
“On behalf of my government, I offer our thanks to the foundation for this support,” he said.
“Let us continue to work together to improve our existing business, trade and investment partnerships for our mutual benefit,” Marape said.

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